Desk pop-up Led

Desk pop-up Led
Led pop-up desk
backlit promotional desk
Detail of the backlighting system of the prints
Led pop-up desk
backlit promotional desk
Detail of the backlighting system of the prints

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Desk pop-up Led features

folding table in aluminum, wooden top (white) and integrated LED backlighting system. Sizes 1004 (w) x 1003 (h) x 400 (d) mm
the customization includes the front (1000x1000 mm), the sides (345x1000 mm) and the back (1000x1000 mm); on interchangeable backlite polyester fabric, made with a silicone profile for attachment to the structure and perfect tension.
Key Features:
advertising desk complete with transport bag, integrates the advantages of the pop-up closure system with the visual impact of the LED backlight and the modernity of the fabric.
Banchetti leggeri ma robusti
Light but sturdy portable desk (you can sit on it).
crowner optional
Novità: possibility of optional crowner.

Reviews for Desk pop-up Led

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Airoldi style
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Desk pop-up Led
look vantaggioso e moderno
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